Welcome to the Girl Scouts of Central Texas

Outdoor Gear Reservation System

We are using Doubleknot to manage the reservations. If you already have a Doubleknot Login, you may use it. If not, you may create one during the process. If you are a NEW Doubleknot user, you may create a login by selecting "Create New User Profile" You may also create a GROUP (your Troop Number to help us identify your reservation.)

We are taking reservations for:

Outdoor equipment rentals: for Girl Scout members only. Be sure to include extra days for pickup and return of equipment in your reservation. The first day of your reservation is the day you are picking up. The last day of your reservation is the day you will return the equipment. Pick up and return dates must be on a weekday. We recommend coordinating the pickup and drop off days with the Outdoor specialist prior to making your reservation.

To make a reservation:

  1. In the Category section below, select the Outdoor Gear Rental pickup location for your reservation (Austin or Waco).
  2. Click on the piece of gear you want to reserve (to see decription and costs, clickon the "i" in the circle). Select the piece of gear only once. You will be asked the quantity needed later.
  3. Click on the start date you desire for your reservation.
  4. Click on the end date of your reservation.
  5. Click on the red Reserve button. Your reservation will be added to the Shopping Cart.
  6. You will be prompted to enter the number of that item needed.
  7. If you need to reserve another piece of gear, repeat the steps 1 - 5 above for each one.
  8. When done adding all your reservations, proceed to Checkout.
  9. On the next screen you may be asked to "Fix" each part of your reservation prior to payment. Click on "Fix" to enter the quantity of that piece of gear you need. Complete the remaining fields.
  10. When done fixing, complete the reservation.
  11. We are collecting a deposit along with the rental fee for each piece of gear at time of reservation. The deposit covers replacement cost, and will be refunded after the gear has been returned.

After your reservation is completed, you will receive an email from Doubleknot confirming your registration. If you do not receive it, check your SPAM folder. About 10 days prior to your reservation, you will receive another email with additional information.

Select a Category
 ❮ March 2025 ❯ 
No reservations.

Not Available
Available for Departure

If you have a question, comment, or suggestion, please e-mail: Girl Scouts of Central Texas

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